Everest Encore - Recover from 4 flashing lights



Printer is in a state of 4 flashing lights, the Everest Firmware Automatic Updater utility is unable to program the printer, failing with USB Read error.



Try reprogramming the printer using the manual utility:

  1. Download and extract the manual utility and firmware file below. Please see the note regarding which version to use. 
  2. Run the Everest Update tool.
  3. Press the Select File button, then browse and select the .hex firmware file. 
  4. Check the box that says "Printer is already in firmware update mode (all 4 LEDs are blinking)"
  5. Press the Update Flash button. 
  6. If the firmware update succeeds, power cycle the system.

If the firmware update continues to fail, try changing the printer mode switch to 4 Update Firmware, then try the manual update again.

  1. Disconnect the power cable from the printer.
  2. Move the model dial switch to position 4.
  3. Reconnect the power cable. 
  4. Follow steps 2 - 5 above for reprogramming using the manual utility. 
  5. If the firmware update completes, disconnect power, and move the mode dial switch back to position 2, then reconnect the power cable. 
  6. Power cycle the system.

If the firmware update continues to fail, there may be communication issues with the USB bus. Removing the Universal Serial Bus host controller and allow Windows to redetect it can help clear this issue. 

  1. Open the Computer Manager > Device Manager. 
  2. Change the View to Devices by connection. 
  3. Expand the connection tree until the USB printing support is visilble. 
  4. Right-click the Universal Serial Bus host controller, and select Remove. 
  5. Reboot the PC. Windows will redetect the Universal Serial Bus host controller and the USB devices, which may take several minutes.
  6. Follow steps 2 - 3 above for reprogramming using the manual utility.

If the firmware update continues to fail, the firmware updater can be run while holding the button on the printer. 
NOTE: This process to recover the printer should be used only as a last resort, as it may risk bricking the printer. All other normal firmware update attempts should be attempted before proceeding.

  1. Open the Everest Updater tool.
  2. Press the Select File button, then browse and select the .hex firmware file. 
  3. Check the box that says "Printer is already in firmware update mode (all 4 LEDs are blinking)"
  4. Press and hold the button on the printer, then press the Update Flash button. Continue to hold printer button until the firmware update is complete.
  5. After the firmware is loaded, power cycle the system.


See below for information on which update files to use:

- Everest 600 and Encore with a Type 1 board and 4.08 or higher should use Type 1 -0505.
- Everest 600 and Encore with a Type 1 board and 4.08 or higher should use Type 2 - 0507.
If you are unsure which control board Type you have in your printer, contact Rimage Technical Support.



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