RSS 9.X - DistPreReq error during installation

  • Updated

Issue: Rimage Software Suite 9.X gives a DistPreReq.exe error during installation. 

This error will create a log that is saved at location C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Temp\Rimage_PreReq (use the file with the most recent update. Provide this error log to Rimage Technical Support.

Two common causes for this error are an out of date root certificate and missing .Net Framework.

Out of date root certificate:
If it returns a similar error to the one below, there is an issue with the OS certificates that need to be updated. 
For more information:

Resolution: Check for Windows updates. Click Start > Control Panel > Windows Update > Check of Update. 
If your system is unable to automatically update, download and run the update manually. 
This Hotfix that allows your system to recognize the new certificate with SHA256. Once this hotfix is installed, the certificate must be installed. 
If you do not have an internet connection, run the attached rootsupd.exe, then reboot. If your system is on an isolated network, it should be updated with your certificate server. 


Missing .Net Framework:
Connect the control center PC to the internet and run Setup.exe from the Rimage Software Suite. Any .Net Framework resources that are missing will be downloaded and installed during the Riamge software installation. 

If you cannot connect the control center to the internet, download the .Net Framework install files from MicroSoft. The Rimage install requires 3.5.1 and 4.0.