Symptom: Label files are failing to print with error "PCL data contains color planes and the installed ribbon is monochrome."
Resolution: The label PCL information is contained in the CD Designer label file itself.
To check/change the Ribbon settings:
1. Open the label file in CD Designer.
2. Select File > Print > Rimage Everest III/600/400 (not the one on COM or HID) > Document Properties.
3. On the Main tab, change the Ribbon to Monochrome and press OK.
4. Press the Close button on the Print window (if you press Cancel to close this Window, the setting will not be saved).
5. Save the label.
If the Ribbon setting for the label is correctly set to Monochrome, or changing it does not resolve the issue, you will need to add a switch to the Rimage Production Server registry entry.
*Note: This registry entry is only applicable to the full Rimage Software Suite.
1. Stop the Production Server.
2. Open the Windows Registry Editor.
3. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Rimage_ePS.
4. Right-click on ImagePath and select Modify.
5. At the end of the value data, add the switch " -noepv", and Press OK
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Rimage\Production Server\eps.exe -scm -dly_10 -noepv
6. Close Registry Editor.
7. Restart Production Server.