Messaging server not responding (RimageServices account)

  • Updated
If Messaging Server is not responding, use the following steps to resolve the issue.
  • Note: If you do not understand the procedures below, please contact your network administrator.
  • Verify that you are connecting to the correct computer name and port.
  • Make sure that the Windows Firewall is not blocking port 2506 or 4664.
  • Verify that the Rimage Messaging Server is running in Windows Services.
  • Make sure that the RimageServices account is enabled. Refer to the procedure below.

1.From the Start menu select: Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
  • Note: If the Control Panel is in Category View, Administrative Tools is located under the Performance and Maintenance category.

2. Select Computer Management. The Computer Management window opens.

3. Double-click Local Users and Groups.

4. Double-click Users.

5. Double-click RimageServices. The RimageServices Properties window opens.

6. Clear the Account is disabled checkbox and select OK.
  • Note: If you wish to use a different user account, refer to the Rimage Advanced Setup (Networking) Guide.