AutoPrinter - Troubleshooting an unresponsive AutoPrinter.


If the AutoPrinter is not responding, try one of the following solutions.

Important! Try these solutions in the order they are presented.

If the printer on the AutoPrinter is an Everest II, Everest III, Everest 600, or Everest Encore make sure that the printer's mode switch is in position 2. For more information about the Everest printer mode switch, refer to the Switches section one of the following Everest printer guides below.

If you are using a Prism printer, make sure your printer is in the correct mode.

Reseat the cables.
1. Power off the AutoPrinter.

2. Disconnect all of the cables.

3. Connect all of the cables. Make sure that they are secure.

4. Power on the AutoPrinter.

Run diagnostic test 3 (Calibrate Lift Home). Refer to one of the following documents for instructions:

Diagnostic Tests for firmware version 3.609 and higher

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