Messaging server not starting (Error 1069)

The Rimage Messaging Server uses the RimageServices user account to start and operate. If the Messaging Server is not starting, or if you receive error 1069, there are several possible solutions.
  • Note: If you do not understand the instructions in this Answer, see your Network Administrator.

Make sure that the RimageServices user account is enabled. Refer to Starting RimageServices for more information on enabling the RimageServices user account.

Make sure that he RimageServices password matches the password set for the Rimage Messaging Server. If the passwords do not match, the RimageServices password needs to be reset. Use the following procedure to reset the RimageServices password.
  1. Select Start and right-click on My Computer. Select Manage from the dropdown menu. The Computer Management window opens.
  2. Select Local Users & Groups.
  3. Select Users.
  4. Right-click RimageServices and select Set Password. The Set Password for RimageServices window displays.
  5. Enter the new password and select OK.

After the user password is set, continue with the following procedure:
  1. Select Start then Run.
  2. In the Open: field, enter services.msc and select OK. The Services window opens.
  3. Locate Rimage Messaging Server in the services list.
  4. Right-click on Rimage Messaging Server and select Properties. The Rimage Messaging Server Properties window displays.  
  5. Select the Log On tab.
  6. In the Password and Confirm password fields, enter the password you created for RimageServices and select OK.
  7. In the Services window, right-click Rimage Messaging Server and select Start.

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