Everest - All four led lights blinking on the status panel

  • Updated

If the four lights on the Everest printer are blinking, the mode switch needs to be changed.The Everest printer mode setting is based on the printer model and the type of autoloader it is attached to:

  • Any standalone Everest must be in mode 0.
  • An Everest II on a Producer or Professional autoloader must be in mode 1.
  • An Everest II on an AutoPrinter must be in mode 2.
  • An Everest III and an Everest 600 on any type of autoloader must be in mode 2.

The mode dial is located on the back of the printer. Refer to the images attached to this answer for the different dial positions.

Note: In order for a mode change to take effect, the printer must be powered off and then powered on again.